Thread: "The lookout"
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Old 05-02-2002, 04:49 PM   #8
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I am going to be tough. You are good, and can handle it.
Lon, you sound like a proctologist I had to let go.

I actually saved the eyes for last and am still working on them. One of my problems is that my canvas (16x20) is to small for my composition. By the time I get to the little details of the face my technique is to weak to pull it off. I wish I could learn this lesson. Like the old saying: I don't learn fast but I learn good. I think half of that describes me.

About the tones of the face... there are two things going on here, the first is (beware self analysis will follow) I think that I am in a between stage of my developement. I am trying to move toward a more spontaneous brush stoke and color application. Whether its right or wrong I admire the "left alone" obvious brush stroke and the varied use of color. Even in the skin tones. I'm not saying that I achieved this. It's just that what I am showing here is my next attempt toward that end. In another thread Jim Riley posted a painting of "the old sailor", a slightly backed off version of that is what I want. I seem to be able to take only baby steps toward that end.

The second thing is that this is the first time I have tried to use Liquin. The only thing I have ever used is a simple linseed oil and terp combo. I think I love it and I think I hate it. This stuff will set up in a few hours and over night for sure. Sometimes thats good sometimes its bad. And it seems to leave a kind of satin effect which looks good in some passages but lacks in others. The finished look doesn't seem to be as vibrant. Could also be my inexperience with the stuff.

Peter, I will try and do better on the background. It is a very out of focus illdefined affair.
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Mike McCarty
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