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Old 11-16-2004, 07:02 PM   #8
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I think we have come to some of the same conclusions. There is more than one reasonable way to get to the post office from here. I take your point about the spontaneity.

But, in regards to the spot meter, I find that in certain lighting conditions the spot meter is the only thing that will render anything usable. The most common circumstance being the back lit scene, and certain other scenes when the light is extreme from light to dark. It does take a little more of a nimble hand when the view is wider and more inclusive, and you have to search to pinpoint that certain spot to expose.

This image has been cropped close to my liking, but when it was shot, much more light filled the scene. I don't think it could have been taken without spot metering.
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Mike McCarty
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