Thread: Part two
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Old 11-11-2004, 06:53 AM   #1
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Part two

This is part two of the above.
It is not finished as my sister was not as patient as her hubby.

She is wearing a white shirt which is not yet in, but my main problem is with her expression. I took a photo to finish the painting off, and she looks really annoyed. I didn't want to add a big smile, just turn the corners of the mouth to a more serene position.
She still does look a snobbish Italian aristocrat, which she is, but I think with a few adjustment will make her more sweet and proletarian.(what?! Sweet, my sister, that snake?).
I will try to post a better photo, today is too sunny here in London and there is too much glare, it won't take long for the weather to change, I am sure!
Critiques welcome, thanks to all for looking
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