Hee, hee - I made my X-mas wish list, consisting of books in a range of prices, about 2 weeks ago.
One of the tops on my list is
"A Brush With Grandeur: Philip Alexius de Laszlo (1869-1937)". It can be bought from a number of different places, including Amazon, all for around $75. At one point I saw it for half that price at a discount book store in New York, but wasn't sure of the store's credibility, and they don't have it anymore. Of course there's the newer books on Sargent, there's Pino, and Richard Schmid has a number of new books available on his web site. Does anyone know what happened to Ramon Kelley's new book that was originally due out in October of 2003? I sent an email to the publisher but never heard back. A book I found at the library that I thought was a fun drawing book was
Drawing People: How to Portray the Clothed Figure by Barbara Bradley, only $19 on Amazon. Her drawings had a lot of presence and energy.