College classes nowadays
I am posting this as a complaint more than anything...
There is a state university 30 miles from my new home. It is known to be the farmer's college because it is mainly an agricultural college. They have rodeos as part of the curriculum. My husband is actually overseeing the building of the animal range science project - which includes a 30 million dollar treadmill for horses. It does however have fine arts as well. You can actually go there and get a 4-year BFA.
I recently met the main drawing/painting professor. I had seen some of her paitnings online and they were nice. I had seen others in person that were not very representational... Anyway - she has had her life drawing class going for short poses since August and has just moved them up to 20 minute drawings and is just now introducing color by way of colored pastel. She told me I could come by at any time to sit in and draw if I'd like. I popped in tonight and boy was I shocked. These were all seniors and fine art majors. Not ONE out of 12 could draw a single part of the anatomy that was anywhere near what it really looked like. It was so disappointing.
I stayed for 2 20-minute poses. It was so depressing to know these kids were going to graduate this spring. What kind of work can they actually get?
Anway - it's been awhile since I drew with pastel - had to dig out an old student box that had very few colors in it and none of them real skin much as my short little drawing stinks - it was refreshing in a way. I am inspired to hire my models for some life sessions - for more than 20 minutes though! I'm telling you - the pressure I felt knowing it was only 20 minutes! My heart was beating fast...I had forgotten how that felt - to have to rush like that. I think this fella had a nose before I took the drawing home...
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn