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Old 04-28-2002, 11:22 PM   #3
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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I watched this show yesterday and it had some good information. The segment was only 20 minutes long but I thought the general focus was right on target. Their main point was that an artist who wants to make money with their work needs to think of themselves as an entrepreneur or small business owner and act accordingly, when it comes to marketing their work.

They listed several websites which sounded very useful and which I plan to check out:

The website was the first one they mentioned. They reminded viewers that despite the controversies that the NEA has been involved with in the past few years they are still an excellent resource for artists.

They mentioned for contract advice, etc.

The site was listed as a source for artists' (and actors') health insurance information.

They also suggested that artists go to the program's producers' website for additional tips:

I wrote down the next two websites they mentioned, also, but not what they were noted for:

Hope that helps!
Michele Rushworth
[email protected]
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