I had a painting accepted into the American Artists Professional League - 76th Grand National Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club, 47 5th Avenue, NYC - Nov 2 - 12th. Reception Sunday Nov 7th. 2pm-5pm - other days 1 - 5:00pm.
This was a competition I entered and almost did not participate in. I had the painting accepted, but didn't read the fine print. As it turns out - I had to hire a company to accept the package from Fed Ex, uncrate it and then deliver it to the gallery. The cost was a lot more than I was planning. I waivered back and forth for awhile...and in the end I decided to spend the money so I would not seem unprofessional. So - this is my first painting that has ever been to NYC - I am hoping it sells so I do not have to hire that extra shipping company again. Any of you entering competitions - read the fine print!
Anyway - if any of you in NY get by to see this show - let me know if it is a ritzy as it sounds.
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn