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Old 04-28-2002, 01:15 AM   #6
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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I remember being told one year by one of the organizations that they didn't know the names of the entrants when they judged...whoever "they" is. I can only vouch for that one year and that organization's communication.

I rather tend to think the who and how of the judging is done isn't for public knowledge since no one I know seems to know...and I know a lot of people. However, no one has ever specifically told me that. And, I suspect if I knew, I wouldn't be free to say.

There are some valid reasons for the judges not being known. For example, if a close friend of a judge wins, then people could think that the win is because of the friendship, when, in fact, maybe the painting actually deserved to win. On the other hand, friendships can be stressed if the friend of the judge doesn't win.

It's a tough situation in any event because there are so many sensitive artist egos involved in these competitions.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius
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