Great idea, Patt! Any excuse for my husband to use his new wood tools is a plus to him! I am sure the guys at Lowes will chop it in half for me! I also noticed that at Lowes they have other types of wood paneling, I mean, they are about 4'x 4'...actual wood, not particle board. Have you tried that stuff? Also, do you need to seal the back of the masonite as well, just in case it gets wet after the painting is finished? (I want to go buy wood NOW, but I have 6 more hours of work left today...UGH! The torture!).
You have an old house, too? Mine is about 102 years old. We are having a ball ripping off ancient wallpaper and pulling out floors...but for some reason, painting and decorating a HOUSE is much harder on my brain than painting on a canvas! Why is that?! Maybe I should paint a picture of what I WANT my house to look like FIRST! LOL Oh, the possibilities!
Thanks for all your wonderful tips about the masonite!!!! By the way, is it expensive?.
Jennifer Redstreake Geary