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Old 04-26-2002, 11:30 AM   #5
Patt Legg Patt Legg is offline
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You are very very welcome Jennifer. Glad your hubby can cut it. Here is one more hint. The Masonite panels come in 4x8 ft. You could have the lumber yard cut in half to get it into your vehicle. You will lose some of the different sizes due to that. What I mean is, I am very thrifty so is my hubby. He will figure to the last inch of how he can cut the panel i.e. four size 16x20's, two 18x24's, so on and so on and if there are any small pieces left, he will cut 5x7's or 8x10's . I like to do extreme large to the extreme small.

P.S. I am in the process of doing some miniature work 2"x 3" and so on.

Good Luck
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