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Old 04-25-2002, 10:12 PM   #2
Jim Beutler
Posts: n/a
Hi Jennifer,

As far as I know, "panel" most commonly refers to masonite. I've read that only "untempered" masonite should be used. Most commonly, masonite is "tempered" or oil impregnated. Untempered may be a bit harder to find, but it is available at some lumber yards. Also, there are now prepared panels available (made by Ampersand, I think) that I think are merely acrylic gesso sprayed masonite panels and quite pricy for what they are. Someone recently told me that the tempered masonite sold today is now OK to use, as the oil in it is different than it used to be. I'd stick with the untempered, myself. Try using a fine paint roller to apply acrylic gesso to the board. I got one for a few dollars like one you'd use to paint walls but smaller and with a fine sponge roller. If you don't have tools available, the lumber yard will probably cut the 4'x8' sheet into pieces for you for free or for a small fee. Also, I imagine you could use any other sizing/priming method you prefer. Good luck, I've been meaning to get around to trying this for some time now!
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