Thread: Which camera?
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Old 09-16-2004, 08:12 PM   #1
Bob Bissett Bob Bissett is offline
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Which camera?

I've used a Finepix 3800 for several years and thinking about something better. Sounds like the Nikon D-70 is a good value. Seems not to have time lapse or video mode. What does anyone think about the Coolpix 8700 or the Minolta Dimage A2 or Canon Rebel in comparison?


Just found this which helps understand why the D-70 is better: Scroll down to Implementation Examples.

Dimage A2 = 2/3" CCD, 8.8 x 6.6 mm sensor size and 8 million pixels vs. Nikon D70 = CCD, 23.7 x 15.6 mm and 6.1 million pixels vs. the Rebel 22.7 x 15.1 mm and 6.3 million pixels.

The Nikon and Rebel pixels are much bigger.

Edit II:

Using my dual monitors and Steve's Digicams sample pictures for the D-70, Rebel and the A2. At first glance they look the same, but not upon closer examination. The D-70 and Rebel did much better picking up suble shadows and uniform white areas had a smooth texture. The same areas in the A2 picture where pixilated. And the D-70 and Rebel had much smaller file: 2,408,962 and 3,500,00 vs. 6,087,936. The Rebel photo was noticable sharper than the D-70, as was the A2. Did Steve screw up the focus? I don't know.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the Nikon D-70. Seems to be the most bang for the buck. 28 dollars less than the Rebel on Starlight and with the 18-70 lens vs. 18-55.


The review on dpreview makes a good point. The Rebel has ISO 100 while the D70's lowest setting is 200 and the difference is noticable.


Boy, this has been an education. Found a helpful article, "The Two Classes of Digital Cameras" at As a professional photographer he rules out the new highend prosumer 8mp like Nikon 8700 or the new in October 8800 I suppose. Go with the Rebel or D70 he says. The bells and whistles of the prosumer units are seductive. No doubt he's right and a Rebel is the way to go.

On the other hand, how much image quality does a painter need vs. a photographer? My FinePix 3800 takes amazing pictures at 3.2 mp. At least as viewed on the monitor.
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