More good ideas, thanks
Linda, Michelle and Joan,
Thank you, thank you for your various perspectives. I have a tendency to think in black and white, and forget all the options in between. It's good to be reminded to look harder. Joan, it's a great thought that older children wouldn't want to look "cute." Linda, your notebook idea is great. One of my difficulties is that I don't know exactly how to get organized in a way that works for me. I have tried all sorts of methods, and found a few that work. I use ACT! for contacts but when they're out of sight they're out of mind. But the notebooks sound like my kind of order. Loose leaf paper that I can rearrange. Separate notebooks to function for different areas of the business. And yes, I need to figure out my pricing. I've been charging $400 for a pastel head/shoulders vignette in my previous town, and only had a few commissions. I don't have any commissions here, but then no-one in my area knows I exist yet.