How to get the in-come coming?
Here's the most basic of all business questions: share some ways I can get an in-come to start coming. I'll tell you what I have done so far:
-Painted portraits for 40 years and become fairly good at it.
-Entered many competitions and won many awards, including recent awards at at the Pastel Society of America
32nd Annual Open Exhibition and Southeastern Pastel Society
2004 International Show
-Shown my work at prestigious juried outdoor shows in my area
-Handed out nicely designed and costly brochures, business cards and flyers
-Taught continuing education art classes and workshops at local arts centers and colleges and universities
-Taught out of my home-studio
-Advertised in the program of the University Performing Arts Center (but only recently, too soon to see what happens with the ad)
-Developed a mailing list of 130 area people who like my work
-Hosted 2 open-studio shows/sales which were well attended
-Run a 'special' at $100 off
Is the problem that I live in central Florida? Or is it the economy? Are most portrait painters having trouble getting commissions these days? My commissions during the past year have all been from one of the few families of means in the area. They've run out of family members for me to paint.
What I haven't done is find a local gallery. I am represented by a gallery in my hometown but have had one commission in 4 years from them.
Anyone have any thoughts?