Thread: Got the blues!
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Old 08-25-2004, 01:00 PM   #9
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Hi Holly,

I am currently out of the paper I like: EPSON Premium Bright White Paper 500 Sheets. I need to get more; it makes my correspondence look pretty snappy. It has an ISO brightness of 108.

I can keep a sheet folded in my shirt pocket for the day, handy for whenever I need to calibrate a new PRE custom color balancing on my Nikon D100. I like to keep a natural degree of warmth in my photos, and the bright white paper seems the most direct way to achieve ths end. If the white paper becomes soiled or stained, just simply replace it with another sheet. Since it is white and not gray one must be careful to not use it in too bright a light. It works great for indoor incandescent situations, and for me works better than any built in color balance setting (Auto, Incandescent, Fluorescent, Cloudy, Shady, etc.).

A really great application for this white sheet of paper method is taking pictures in museums. It seems every painting and sculpture has a unique color balance of light falling upon it, especially from room to room in the galeries. I f I am serious about photographing a work of art, I will do a custom PRE setting first.

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