Thread: Got the blues!
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Old 08-25-2004, 12:14 PM   #7
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Beware of the warm gray card, use ultra-white paper!

Some gray cards are too warm in tone for color balancing purposes. The specific hue of the gray will make a huge difference. I don't trust my gray cards for the PRE custom color balance setting on my Nikon D100. What I use and works great is an ultra-white variety of regular bond paper. The whiter the better. The cleaner the white, the better the warm flesh tones will be captured. If a gray card is already a warm gray, it will weaken and add blue to the flesh tones.

By the way Mike, you are an incredible photographer with a fantastic eye for capturing the perfect moment. I love to see what is new from your camera.

Nikon D100, 67,500+ shots so far.
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