Thread: Got the blues!
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:31 AM   #6
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Thanks guys and gals,

This white balance is all new to me. I am going to get one of those gray cards, I can handle $12 dollars.

I went back and found an example still loaded in my camera. The first is with the white balance set on incandescent and the second is using auto white balance and a reflector board just off camera to our right.

In these two examples there are two 24x60 windows flanking the head board of the bed, all on the wall to our left. In front of each, on a night stand, is a lamp, which shows as a golden light in our left corner of the second.

What is really amazing is just how smart this camera got when it was allowed to figure it out for itself. I'm still going to get the card.
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Mike McCarty
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