Thread: Leon Bonnat
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Old 11-02-2001, 03:34 PM   #1
Steven Rosati Steven Rosati is offline
Finalist ARC 2010-11 Salon, 3 place award of Merit PSOA 2011, Finalist for the 2011 Kingston Prize, Grand Prize 2006 PSOC, 2012 May cover art winner Professional Artist Magazine
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question Leon Bonnat

Does anyone know where I can get a book that has a collection of Leon Bonnat's work? The best resource I have right now to see his work is on the web and the occasional Sotheby's catalog that I come across, but no book on his life and work. Could there be one out of print? Here is an example for those who don't know his work.

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Last edited by Cynthia Daniel; 11-29-2001 at 12:19 AM.
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