Thank you very much for replying. I suspect no two people mix their colors the same way, but you have given me a lot of information and I will do some experimenting, as you suggest.
Originally Posted by Chuck Yokota
I first mix up yellow ochre with a little light red to get a sort of brick red-orange, which is my basic source for skin color.
Okay, this is how I get my basic skin color too.
Originally Posted by Chuck Yokota
For the shadows, I take part of this and add ultramarine blue and indian red to get a sort of purple grey. (I take another part of the original mixture and add white for the light skin color.)
I do something similar for the lit side of the face, I use ultramarine blue in the mix but only for the lit side. Hmm, I never added blue to the shadow side because I'm stuck on "warm" colors for the shadows. So that's where I'm getting in trouble, I'm using all kinds of things to get my shadows, but not blue. I will try that, though I'm confused about using what I thought was a cool color? Maybe I'm too hung up on what's a cool color and what's a warm color?
Originally Posted by Chuck Yokota
. . . a black I make from burnt sienna and ultramarine to deepen the darkest shadows.
Hmm, this sounds interesting. I will try this for my deep shadows, though there is that blue again in the warm shadows.