Lon, Thank you.
I had the same thought about the background being a bit of a blah, but at a loss as to how to resolve a stretch of uninteresting sand and little surf, while at the same time not taking away from the boys as the center of interest. Hesitant as well to throw an object (like your suggestion of a log, or a beach blanket, etc.) back there to distract the eye.
I reworked the colors in the sand several times, and I am not finished with it yet. I had a darker shading around surf/sand connection, as you suggested, so perhaps I will go back in there and dramatize that a bit.
It's so interesting now, that in the final stages, each days work brings the skintones more to life. I figure I am near the end but with a lot of finishing left to do. No time rush on this one. I think this stage is where the most improvement happens, though it may not be as dramatic to the laymen's eye.
Plus, I used Peggy Baumgartner's contract that she posted and the financial end of the three payments stretched out over the period of the work, went as smoothly as a charm. There's nothing like a signature on a contract with payments spelled out clearly. Makes the road a lot easier.