Thread: Camera settings
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Old 07-19-2004, 10:01 AM   #1
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Camera settings

I have been using my digital camera to take photos of my children. There is something going on that I don't understand, I took the first photo below and then I wanted to reshoot my daughter without such a big smile. I put her in the same exact place just 20 minutes after the first shot and look how much darker it came out. I used the exact same settings.

My camera is a Canon PowerShot s30. I just learned about the 'white balance' so I had set that. I also set the speed at 1/30 and the Fstop at 5.0. The sun was out in both shots, I used the same light inside.

The camera must be setting something automatically but I can't figure out what is left to set? This isn't the first time this has happened, hopefully somebody can tell me how I can correct this?

Thank you,

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