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Old 04-17-2002, 09:56 AM   #8
Leopoldo Benavidez Leopoldo Benavidez is offline
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Location: Colton, OR
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I am also intimately familiar with maroger and also have made it and used it for years. I love the handling of maroger for pieces particularly when I want passages to dry overnight. The smell is wonderful!

I received a sample of Gamblin's product called "Neo Megilp". It doesn't say what's in it except for a warning for petroleum distillate. I used it test swatches only. This stuff smells like model airplane glue - nasty! I am not a big fan of Gamblin's products so there is little chance I am going to slather this stuff on any of my work. It takes about 3 days to dry! BTW, for all of you paranoid lead users, Titian lived to the ripe age of 91, but there again he might have been using Gamblins products!...L
"Art is ever changing. I too find myself in that momentum of change, exploring my successes and failures. Rather remaining stagnant and uninspired, I am complelled to continue to re-invent myself." ...L

David Leopoldo Benavidez