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Old 07-13-2004, 07:51 AM   #7
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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I have somewhat the opposite problem in that when the picture looks right on my monitor, saving it as a jpeg for the web seems to wash it out. This occurs whether it's a perfectly balanced photo from my Nikon 35 mm that I've scanned in or a digital photo that I have to doctor in Photoshop. For me, shooting paintings outdoors with my Canon G2, or even in too much light in the studio, means that I'll have a sort of pebbled, light and dark checkering look on the canvas where the illumination was slightly brighter. To avoid that I have to shoot those indoors in quite even, rather dull light and then massage them on the computer.

A photographer suggested that I not choose "Save for Web" but simply change the resolution of the image to 72 pixels per inch and upload the picture that way. It does seem to result in truer color. I don't know whether that helps.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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