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Old 07-11-2004, 12:16 PM   #1
Julie Deane Julie Deane is offline
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Transformation when put online - Help?

Hi -

I have been trying to post pictures of my art on this site, and am not happy with the results. Maybe someone can guide me to do a better job.

I did all the color balancing on my image in Photoshop, got it to where I was happy with it, but when it posted, the darks got extremely dark. The lighter skin tones were okay.

At first I thought it was because I had not changed my colors while in JPEG format, so that when I saved the file as a JPEG, it would compress. Then I tried doing the whole color balancing on a JPEG , and it made no difference.

Is there anything I could do to make my colors more accurate? Does the fact that I have a low pixel digital have anything to do with this?

Thanks in advance for any "light" anyone can shed on this!
Julie Deane
Member of Merit, Portrait Society of Atlanta
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