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Old 04-16-2002, 12:21 PM   #6
Douglas Drenkow Douglas Drenkow is offline
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Location: Arcadia (a suburb of Los Angeles), CA
Posts: 47
It was worth the trip!

I really enjoyed working with the Neo Megilp!

The only problem is that it dries slowly (typically two to three days between coats); and if you try to rush it, the topcoat will lift some of the undercoat -- you'll start "rolling up" little "pills" of paint film.

But properly handled, the paint blends and levels beautifully; and the glazes glow!

Here's my first effort, for Downing ART Auction Ltd., outside of Chicago (Mr. Downing & I are very pleased)...

Thanks again, Mr. Gamblin!
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Doug Drenkow