Thread: Vasco
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Old 07-03-2004, 09:07 AM   #4
Holly Snyder Holly Snyder is offline
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Hi Rui,

In addition to his sweet expression, there's a lot of life shining in his eyes. I like tilt of his head contrary to the direction of his shoulders, it adds to the character of the portrait.. I would check the shape of the back of his head - maybe in the photo his hair is sticking out a little at the top, but it makes his head look a little pointy. Also perhaps soften the hair line across the top of his head on our right hand side. You could also soften the edges at the bottom of his ear and adjoining cheek.

I think this would be a difficult photo to paint from, as the frontal lighting doesn't give much shadow indication to portray form from. I think you'd be more successful if you used photographs with a single light source coming from the top and side. There's lots of information on this here on the forum. I think you conveyed his spirit well, and if you combine that with a good source photo, you'll create wonderful paintings.


Holly Snyder-Samson
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