Thread: The Rose
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Old 07-02-2004, 12:30 AM   #3
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Hi Jean,

I am no expert on the lighting, somebody else will have to comment on that. But, I can give you my impressions of the poses.

I like the first one that you show. There doesn't seem to be many shadows, or maybe it's my monitor, and I would find that challenging. But, as you said, you'll have her to paint from life.

Out of the next batch that you have numbered 1 through 4, I like number 2 best. I like the way the model seems to be waiting for someone or looking for someone. I think that gives that particular pose a lot of interest.

In the others I think the model looks uninterested in the whole process.

I'll bet you're dying to get started after all those delays! I know about rain, we've had weeks of rain here in Houston. Hope this helps.

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