Thread: Gracie photo
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Old 06-25-2004, 01:44 PM   #5
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Thank you

Kim, thank you for taking a look at these. I agree with you about the stripes on the dress, too distracting. I did try to get them both together and none of those photos turned out, but I'll try again. That would make a nice painting, even if they were both looking at something on the ground or in one of their hands. I set my camera on 1/50th (or 1/60th?) of a second because it was 5:30 p.m. and not much light. It's been raining all week here in Houston. These little girls had been cooped up all week in their house and weren't about to sit still for me, so I feel lucky I got these without being blurry.


Originally Posted by Michele Rushworth
I don't have a problem with the skin colors (I especially like the colors of the skin in the second photo.) I think these photos are almost there, in terms of reference shots to use -- and way better than the first pictures I tried to paint from!
You don't know how much this means to me, it's about the most encouraging thing I've heard yet! Thank you.

Your experienced eye is able to see how dominating that swing plank would be, and now I see it too. And I think you're right, I could get a better expression out of her if I reshoot. Not to mention the stripes! Thank goodness I have a digital camera!

Thank you both again,

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