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Old 06-20-2004, 05:12 AM   #4
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Black and white

Chris, I was trying to be short and was not clear enough!

I take photographs of the painting in B&W to judge the darks and the lights in my paintings, without being bothered by the "rightness" of the colours.
I paint a lot from B&W photos: I found that for me, if combined with a couple of short sittings, they are a much better guide to making my own decisions about the colours I am using.
I find it easier to put in a colour that might be there rather than dliberately changing one that is there in the photo.
After a while I almost start to see my B&W photo in colours.
It is also true that the definition looks greater !
Sorry if my English is not always up to standard: in this forum there are many excellent and very clrear writers, which is what makes it so useful and inspiring
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