Thread: My wife
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Old 06-17-2004, 08:37 AM   #8
Linda Nelson Linda Nelson is offline
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just a thought

Hi David,

If the choice is between these photos shown, I prefer the second.

I, however, have a suggestion -

I have been presenting my work through art fairs for three years now. Although I have always had an attractive example of a painting of an adult woman in the booth, it has been disappointing that women are very reticent to have themselves painted. Well, this year I had a new painting of a woman in the booth, but the pose was in profile and looking away (vs. looking at the viewer, which the previous example is doing). I was happily surprised to see more women interested in having themselves done this time, and I am sure that it's because of this not-looking-at-the-viewer example - the women seemed much more attracted to this "less confrontational " pose. I even got 2 adult women commissions this time!

So... since you're primary goal is to build your portfolio, which is of course used to get commissions, your portfolio may be better off by starting over with the photo-taking on this project, and do a pose with the face at three quarter or at profile, with her not looking at the viewer.

And I would agree with Linda B to make it a bit dramatic.
Anyway, just food for thought.
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