Thread: My wife
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Old 06-16-2004, 09:10 AM   #4
Cindy Procious Cindy Procious is offline
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I really like the second one - the colors of the green sweater, green chair and the flowers on the dress are great - and her hands are particularly graceful.

Your lighting is creating what my teacher calls "hatchet face" - it cuts her face completely in half - one side lighted, the other in shadow. One suggestion I would make is to turn the chair almost a quarter turn towards the window, which would put you, behind the camera, with your back against the wall next to the window.

Try for 3/4 lighting on her face, and get the actual window out of the shot. The window frame is fine (add drapery if you wish) - it will give the viewer an explanation for the lighting.

You will, of course, need to crop vertically. I've lightened the right side of her face a bit to show you what you might aim for. Hope you don't mind.

Good luck!
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