Thread: ISO Experiment
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Old 06-13-2004, 09:34 PM   #16
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Hi Mike, my highest ISO setting is 400. I had a wiling model today, who was able to stay still for long periods of time, so I took about 100 pics at different settings. Here are three of them, same pose, same light, different ISO, all done manually. This was a really interesting experiment.

1st: ISO 400, shutter1/15, f-stop 5.7, there is a lot of "noise" in the colors of her fur. Random spots of violet, yellow etc.

2nd: ISO 100, shutter 1/4, f-stop 5.7, the random spots are disappearing, but still a little when I really zoom in. But not too bad.

3rd: ISO 50, shutter 1/2, f-stop 5.7. Clear as a bell no matter how far I zoom in.

These were all taken indoors with available light. Southern exposure but under an overhang. And all using the tripod.


After seeing this posted I guess I really have to crop closer to see the difference. I'll be back.
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Last edited by Jean Kelly; 06-13-2004 at 09:39 PM.
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