Thread: ISO Experiment
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Old 06-13-2004, 12:16 PM   #12
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Location: Madison, WI
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Hi Mike, I hope you are feeling more rested. I've not been able to photograph people lately due to the increasingly depressive stormy weather, flooding all over and gloomy skies. I've got to get the chroma 50 lights installed upstairs! I did try one experiment yesterday though. We took off on one of our "daytrips" to look at some of the area flooding, and for me to photgraph it. The Baraboo River in my hometown is about 4' over flood stage, so that's where we headed. I set my camera for automatic ISO, just to see what would happen, it was our first day of sunshine in a week with no rain forcast till later in the day. ALL of the pics came back with an ISO of 50! I'm confused but refuse to obsess on it. Next sunny day, I'll try setting the ISO at 200 and 400 manually.

This photo was taken on all automatic settings. Shutter speed 1/144, f-stop 4.4, ISO 50, file size fine. I wonder why it chose these settings on such a bright sunny day? I used to hop rocks in this river, can't even find a rock in the water now.

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