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Old 06-11-2004, 03:17 PM   #19
David Bottoni David Bottoni is offline
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Joined: Mar 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 50
Heidi, I am glad you started this thread. I am now able to see that my situation was not very isolated. Maybe I should have been more 'rebellious' against the advice of my counsellors and parents and listened to my art teachers, however, I think the underlying message I am seeing from everyone is to follow your passion for art no matter which road one takes or however long it may take. I basically came to the conclusion (only recently) that I should '**** the torpedoes' and do it. How many times have you heard someone tell you that you really couldn't make a living as an artist? Well I heard it a lot from many people, and only now, with age, do I realize that those people were ignorant. As far as education and formal training is concerned, I can only say that it is always more beneficial to have as much knowledge as possible, regardless if you use it or not. I have a degree in Labour Relations that has, to date, been useless as a career, but the has offered me knowledge that carries forth into other areas of life. At this point, I think I am beyond the allure academia and would rather take workshops and receive tidbits of advice from experienced artists. The struggle continues.

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