Thanks so much for the response. The camera I use is an Olympus C-4000 4.0 mega-pixel. The lighting I used is a single fluorescent screw in type bulb. I used a reflector on the shadow side but didn't light the shadow side quiet as much as I desired. I may try some things in photoshop to see if it can be improved.
Thanks for the Raeburn references. We have one here in Birmingham that is simply stunning. The soft, glowing effect his paintings have are quite breath-taking.The shadow side on the painting is quite dark but not as dark as I have here. The point you make concerning the nose is a good one and one that didn't catch my eye. I may try shooting another photo and see if I can lighten those shadows a bit. I may also try the lighting from the opposite side and throw that shadow back the opposite direction as you have mentioned.