Thread: Young woman
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Old 06-07-2004, 11:47 AM   #6
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Thanks Michele, I have close-ups of her face and hands (minus the watch). She's also available for sittings, so this may be a go at some point. The tripod has helped tremendously as I have shaky hands. Shutter was set at 1 and f-stop was 5.3, ISO 50. I've found that there is no pixelation or little spots of color (?) at the lower ISO (sensitivity). I was about 14' away from her and focused on her midpoint (not the face) so no distortion! Thank you Sharon for that tip long ago. And in the high res image I can see every eyelash. My friend is excited as this shows a side of her that is rarely seen, she looks regal. It's kind of a "fantasy" portrait.

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