Thread: Young woman
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Old 06-06-2004, 11:40 PM   #4
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Hello again,

I've removed red and more yellow from the original. On my screen the background matches perfectly at this point, a silvery gray green. Since this was really "on the fly", I neglected to turn off the small incandescent light in the room. That is the only reason it's there, no planning or set up. The flourescent was to her left and pointed away from her. It's a small bulb on a pole lamp. I haven't set up the Chroma 50 bulbs yet in the dining room. Slowly the dining room is becoming more of a studio than anything else, it's a good thing my husband loves me.

I was just delighted that I was finally able to get a decent photo without using any automatic features on the camera. This has been a long intense learning experience with thousands of deleted photos. I'm considering using this for a painting or should I just do it again with better planning (no stray light bulbs)?

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