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Old 06-04-2004, 04:13 AM   #15
Allan Rahbek Allan Rahbek is offline
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I do not know which form to fill in, because I actually went to a bigger Academy for almost two years where I had some valuable training in drawing from live and plaster, as well as in sculpture.

But my main interest was painting in oils and I do not feel that I got any valuable input or challenges in that field. What I have achieved, I did on my own, by studying old masters, landscapes and portraits.

I feel that I did not get any degree in traditional painting because that the trend at that time ( 1970 - 71 ) was to sit down and watch the grass grow. Nobody dared to expect anything from you. So eventually I gave it all up.

Nowadays it is different, though it is still regarded "Finer Art" if combined with aerobic.

Traditional portraiture, and waltzing, is still a niche, but we will see what we can do.

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