more info
Oops - didn't answer all the questions.
- did you receive support for this decision from friends, family, etc., or did you pursue it in spite of a lack of support? My parents made sure I had art classes from age 8 on. They were a "mixed" support - very little verbal support, but the finances were there to help me.
- are you making a decent living as an artist? No
- do you work a full time job in another field and do your art on the side? I am a full time speech therapist, and am pursuing portraiture/painting on the side - for now.
- do you now regret pursuing an art education rather than taking what others deemed the "safe " career path? No - I only wish I had dived into fine art.
- do you think your skills are now more advanced than they would have been had you not pursued a formal education? Yes.
- have there been any instances in your career where having a degree in art has directly benefited you (e.g., gotten you a posh commission, gotten you into a high caliber show or gallery, etc.) that you wouldn't have had the opportunity otherwise? Along those same lines, has having a degree directly helped you sell a piece of work? No - I really don't think a degree would matter for anything but teaching credentials.
- do you rely on your spouse for the majority of your financial support?
I wish! Nope, divorced and paying my own way.