Survey: The value of a formal art education
There seems to be a common theme emerging here.
Since it is graduation time, here are some thoughts we can ponder. Perhaps our insight can help young art students who are at a cross road and struggling with decisions for their futures.
Question: Do you have a formal education in art?
If you answer Yes then,
- did you receive support for this decision from friends, family, etc., or did you pursue it in spite of a lack of support?
- are you making a decent living as an artist?
- do you work a full time job in another field and do your art on the side?
- do you now regret pursuing an art education rather than taking what others deemed the "safe " career path?
- do you think your skills are now more advanced than they would have been had you not pursued a formal education?
- have there been any instances in your career where having a degree in art has directly benefited you (e.g., gotten you a posh commission, gotten you into a high caliber show or gallery, etc.) that you wouldn't have had the opportunity otherwise? Along those same lines, has having a degree directly helped you sell a piece of work?
- do you rely on your spouse for the majority of your financial support? If so, has that diminished your sense of self worth?
If you answered No then,
- did you want to pursue a formal education in art but succumbed to pressured against it?
- do you regret not pursuing a formal art education?
- are you working in the field for which you majored?
- did you not have a desire to pursue art as a career, but developed it later in life?
- did you not have the financial means to go to college at all?
- do you plan on going back to school?
- do you now attend artist workshops to make up for what you feel you missed out on in school?
- do you think a formal art education is somewhat worthless and everything you need to know to succeed can be gained by practical experience, practice, and networking with other artists?
Perhaps someone could set up a poll..