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Old 06-02-2004, 05:13 PM   #8
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike Dodson

I am sooooooo enviuos! We have two painting of Sargent's here in Birmingham, one is a copy he did of a Hals painting and another is "Lady Helen Vincent". I was so awe struck the first time I saw it that I would visit the museum twice a week for two months and just soak everything in I could from this painting. I would make notes and go back to my studio and try different things. Visually it appears so simple. I know who to look up for a tour the next time I go to Boston!
You are on!
It seems I am the official SOG Boston tour guide!

They are awesome and there is one huge one that is new and I have never seen in a book.
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