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Old 10-23-2001, 02:56 PM   #1
Tarique Beg Tarique Beg is offline
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Preparing Canvases

Hi folks

I have been reading books on preparing canvases, and getting quite confused. It seems like it's very complicated with applying several coatings to prevent oil leakage and the ravages of time, dampness, heat, separation of layers of paint or primer problems, removing air bubbles, letting the canvass dry for six months etc. on, and on..

If my medium is oil on linen or canvas, what is a good compromise solution. Is there a quicker way to prepare canvas/linen? What brands to buy? and how to prime it properly so that there is no leakage of oil through the canvas and no damage to the paint layers from behind. And finally, how do you apply the paint ideally?

I remember about 30 years ago reading John Howard Sanden's book, in which he describes his painting wet-into-wet technique in which you finish the painting in one layer while it is still wet for maximum permanence.

Are there any ready-made pre-primed canvases available? and if so what are good brands?

What do most portrait artists here do in this regard?

Any suggestions, such as good books, art stores in the San Fran or California area, etc. will be highly appreciated?


Last edited by Cynthia Daniel; 11-13-2001 at 01:48 AM.
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