Thread: Moving target
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Old 05-20-2004, 11:13 AM   #1
Vianna Szabo Vianna Szabo is offline
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Joined: Feb 2002
Location: Romeo, MI
Posts: 200
Moving target

I wasn't certain whether I should post this here or on the " Works in progress" section. This is a portrait from life of a very wiggly 11 year old. She is an interesting model in that she looks several years older than she is but her expression and sweetness is definitely child-like. She was unable to hold her pose very long and she shifted constantly, At one point she told us that her legs ached because they were growing. This painting was done over a period of 4 weeks with 3 hour painting sessions. We had her sit for 10 minutes at a time with 5 minute breaks. I could finish this from photos but I'm afraid it may destroy the "fresh" feeling that come from life painting. Any thoughts on this or anyone else out there with wiggly kid experiences?

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