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Old 04-11-2002, 12:44 AM   #4
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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Good job, Robert! This is tough especially when you have photos with light coming from different directions. You handled it well by minimizing the shadow. When you only have shots of the head, there is not much you can do as far as composition, other than what you have done. I had a similar project today, but the customer wanted a Morman temple in the background, which really cluttered my black and white charcoal. I could not convince her to leave it out. Sometimes a portrait is as much a work of the customer's as it is of yours.

Karin, can you define a little more about losing and finding edges? Do you mean the edge of the drawing paper, ot the edge of a line? In the first example, he does not find the edge of the paper at all, but does in the second. I admire your fine resources of subjects. What a terrific and generous critiquer you are!
Lon Haverly
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