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Old 05-15-2004, 11:52 PM   #4
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Beautiful examples!

Dear Chris,

What a wonderful use of a background and border together. And of course the skintones on your subject are beautiful. I have just spent the last couple of hours with your book trying to figure out where I went wrong on my latest attempt which is posted in WIP. Actually, I painted the face today and I'll post it tomorrow when there is some daylight, it's almost 11:00 p.m. now and time for me to take a break from the difficult subject of skintones!

Dear Linda,

Having a young son myself I really love your painting, what a clever idea. I was actually looking at your homepage 2 nights ago and came across that painting and I did wonder how you painted that type? I have plans (always plans) to paint some type on the wall in our den and thought about somehow projecting the type onto the wall. I would be curious to know how you painted that type. I love type too! I used to be a graphic designer and love all kinds of paper, pens, etc., there's nothing like a stationery store!

What awesome examples you have both posted, thank you! I hope we see more. The caliber of artwork on this forum is so high.

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