Thread: White Dress
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Old 05-09-2004, 02:01 PM   #7
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Suffering is what we're about. The most beautiful light will enter the most unpleasant places. But, if its all cluttered with rats and snakes, that may take the suffering thing a little too far. You would know best. You had mentioned before that you lived on a farm, nothing escapes me.

Is this a bad place to discuss this?
This is a fine place to discuss these matters, especially when you have specific examples as you have shown here. Theoretical stuff might be best discussed in a different section like the one I have shown below.

The reason I am forced to use lamps most of the time is because most of our visitors come in the evening.
There are all sorts of artificial studio light set ups, but I sense your not quite ready for that direction. If low light is your only alternative try converting your artificaially lit subjects to black and white. All you have then is values not temperature.

Find a daytime place, practice photographing a still life, and keep your equipment at the ready. When someone shows up during daylight drag them into your web. You can have them captured before they understand what you're up to. Tell them lies, offer them food.

You might read through this link regarding setting up your space and model.

Portrait photo tips in natural light
Mike McCarty
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