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Old 04-27-2004, 11:48 PM   #10
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Really great pictures Mike!

Your D70 on autopilot seems to manage the image highlights perfectly. I don't see too much evidence of the dreaded white hole, as so much digital photography is prone to. You may find with a digital camera that you no longer can expect a correctly balance exposure by using a gray card like with film. You may blow out your highlights because a digital reacts to light differently than film.

Instead of the gray card:

The new rule is to 1: "Expose Right" (on the histogram, make sure the exposure fills NEARLY the full highlight range to the right), and 2: make sure you don't exceed the range to the right of the histogram, or you will get those blown white holes. 3: If you are in doubt, then manage your image exposure to conservatively preserve the highlights. This may mean adjusting your exposure compensation to - 0.3 (minus, not +), or more. If you can keep the exposure compensation at 0.0, all the better for the shadows. You will catch on!

In a nutshell what I am trying to say is:

Rather than expose for a middle value, like with film, you must now expose for the best management of the highlights, in digital photography.

Congratulations on some great pictures,

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