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Old 04-22-2004, 04:20 PM   #17
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Jean et al,

I spoke to my camera salesman today about pixel size, this is what I comprehended before my brain seized.

Generally speaking, the fixed lens cameras like the coolpix 5400 that you have Jean, the new coolpix 8700, the Minolta Dimage A2, and similar non SLR types (also to include all the consumer point and shoot digitals) have a smaller, albeit sometimes more, pixel. The digital SLR's (digital camera, interchangeable lens, (single lens reflex - SLR)) such as the Olympus E-1, Nikon D models, Canon digital rebel etc. have larger sensors and have larger pixels. Larger pixels can contain more information and it is generally accepted that 6 mega pixels with the larger pixels is preferable to 8 mega pixels with the smaller pixels.

My on order Nikon D70 was shipped Tuesday and will arrive tomorrow! I am approaching digitalia.
Mike McCarty
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