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Old 04-22-2004, 12:18 PM   #15
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Michele Rushworth
My sister's husband is also a photographer, and a real electronic gadget guy. He did all the camera research (on when they bought their EOS. He told me that Canon put the spot metering on the next model up in price to give people a reason to upgrade. Otherwise all their customers would just get the EOS, if it had everything on it. I'm basing my comments about this model on what he told me.

He said that competitors to the Canon Digital Rebel EOS that do have spot metering are the Nikon D-1 and the Pentax "First D", though they are slightly more in price.
Michele; All the Nikon digital SLR's have spot metering, including D70, D100, and D-1 series. On the D70 the spot metering is 1% of the frame through which ever focusing segment you have selected.
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