Thread: Home Parties
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Old 04-21-2004, 09:40 PM   #6
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Leap of faith.

Hi Mary,

That's great that you've got a backlog of commissions! Chances are that if you have a backlog now then you'll always have a backlog, don't you think?

I wonder if you even need to do a party? Would your commissions be somehow better if you did have a party? Do you want to get commissions in a bigger town? If that's the case, then I suppose it would take a leap of faith to slow down on your 'local' commissions and go for it in a bigger town!

Good luck with it all. From reading your posts, it seems like you want to have the party. I would love someone to have a party for me so maybe I'm just projecting!

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